Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies - scientific and technical directions which roughly develop as in Ukraine, and abroad. The regular representative international scientific and technical conferences which reflect numerous scientific-research and design-engineering works which is carrying out by the leading scientific and technical centers, corporations and universities of the world testify to it. It is stipulated by the fact that without the appropriate sensors the modern informational - analytic systems are not capable to provide a solution of automation of different aspects production complex problems including the person health dangerous, technical procedure monitoring, monitoring of an environment, closed-loop systems of life-support, precise operations of robotized complexes, space apparatus building, etc.
The international scientific and technical Journal "Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies", which was registered in 2003 in the State Committee of Information Policy of Ukraine, is the single Ukrainian issue which corresponds to the given subjects, and it simplifies a problem of searching of the conforming information on headings of separate journals or authors, at a choice of a journal for the own data publication. The original and reviews articles on different aspects of its subjects are typed in Journal .
The Journal systematically informs readers on international scientific conferences, widely cover the activity of international organizations in a solution of scientific problems and applied problems of microsystem technologies and sensorics and assists development of this important scientific and technical direction.
The Journal issue four times a year in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.
The International Scientific and Technical Journal "Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies" reviewed by Ukrainian Reviewing Journal “Djerelo”, RJ ICSTI (Russia), is included in Index Copernicus International Journals Master List since No1 of 2013.
The Journal "Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies" is a part of list of the issues recommended by SÀC of Ukraine for the publication of candidate and doctor dissertations data on physical and mathematical, engineering and biological sciences.
Journal, though is a new, but is already enough known and authoritative. The articles of authors from Ukraine, Italy, France, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and the other countries were published in it.
We invite scientists and engineers of your organization to fruitful cooperation.
The editorial staff address:
Lepikh Yaroslav Illich, Vice-editor,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
Editorial of journal “Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies”,
2, Dvoryanskaya Str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine.
Phone / Fax: +38(048)-723-34-61,